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Moderator Elmer Ionosphere Volunteers Organizers HC Event Attendee

About K3MRI

  • User Group: Administrator

  • Member ID: 1

  • Rank: Full Legal

  • Content Count: 2,842

  • Content Post Ratio: 1.57

  • Reputation: 229

  • Achievement#: 19,198

  • Member Of The Days Won: 107

  • Joined: 05/11/2019

  • Been With Us For: 1812 Days

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Ham Elmer

Ham Community 'Ham Elmers' are selected based on their proven and peer-recognized expertise in one or more key aspects of amateur radio.

Ionosphere Supporter

We thank our Ionosphere Supporters for their kind donation as we strive to make Ham Community a useful stop in our amateur radio journey.

K3MRI last won the day on July 4 2023

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    Amateur Extra
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    I am a current member in good standing with:
    Vienna Wireless Society - VWS (VA, USA)
    Mount Vernon Amateur Radio Club - MVARC (VA, USA)
    Montgomery County Auxiliary Communication Service - MCACS (MD, USA)

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  1. K3MRI

    MCM 2023

    Post all your MCM 2023 photos here! Everyone can see these images but only MCM Volunteer Club members can upload.
  2. Reminder to think about the After Action Report during your deployment. This is the link to the form. It will be active between this Sunday at 10AM and Saturday night at 2023-11-04 23:59 - it closes automatically then. The link: https://hamvolunteers.com/mcm2023aar
  3. Hi. The recording of the session is now available here: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/8uXsMn61z1d3AD4XrK14GpbIlj5zQoOElii6R-c_GmX173H0LDYpA0vVogzqVvS1.h6vCHhrhlw3mHfzi Passcode: &v4T0CF7 Thank you. Jim
  4. Thanks Russell. Also got your support ticket.
  5. Hi Carlos. Can you message Bruce K7BC and I, K3MRI using the messages on this site. Here is the link: https://hamcommunity.com/messenger/ Using that messenger, tell us what is wrong on your profile and we will fix it for you.
  6. Completely agree hence where Ham Community is going... New directions! Stay tuned.
  7. You'll be fine. I've done it. Just lock it up and make sure it's not where there will be too many spectators.
  8. This topic should have gone into the main forums but, you know what, amateur radio operators hacking into a NASA satellite is history. So here it is.
  9. Hi Andy. I speak from experience, not scientifically; not in this case anyway. Before the antenna, let's talk permissions. You may, or may not, want to alert someone 'official' that you are doing this. You're in the heart of D.C.... Second, I would do it as a two- or three-person operation. You need help with antennas, watching over gear, etc. Now the antenna. I have been successful at NVIS with - I am being serious - multiple metallic coat hangers hooked into one another, sitting 6-inches off the ground. The problem is not getting the signal out, it'll be your SWR. If you can overcome it and get a signal out without frying your TXC, you'll get out; obviously, subject to propagation. Will it be perfect, nope, but you will succeed in activating the site for certain. One more thought, is there any rule against using a roof? If you can use a roof, ask the Ford Theatre... Great idea. Depending when you do it, happy to help.
  10. Anthony, I'm assuming from the image that it is not water-resistant? If so, you might want to fashion an emergency cover for it. Obviously, if you do make one, remember the condensation! Otherwise, as always, what an impressively clean job!!!
  11. Hi Lind. Not what we're saying, not me anyways. But what they should do is reflect society at its broadest if they want to attract more people into the fold. Let us not be fooled, the ARRL is not a charity. They are in it, hopefully for our common interest, but also to stay afloat and pay for their secretariat. As such, they need the growth, and our profile is a limited pool. So it's not, in my opinion, a matter of who shows up, but rather the image they choose to project. Having personally been the object of discrimination, I choose to believe that we need to make an effort to be inclusive, without excluding anyone. I'm just saying that if they want my daughter to join, so to speak, they need to make her feel welcome, and right now, our hobby does not exude that atmosphere of inclusiveness. But hey, I'm often wrong so maybe I am this time also. 😇 **edit** One more thing, this is definitely not just a 'white' vs. 'nonwhite' discussion, it's about all diversity. Why not more women in the shot? Youth? Are there no young volunteers? That's more my point.
  12. K3MRI


    Okay, ignorance time... mine that is. What are Lids? I know they mean hats, and yes I could look this up, and likely will, but I do like to (occasionally) reveal my more unknowledgeable side. Go easy on me 😳
  13. K3MRI


    I absolutely love it!!! I'm a sucker for well-designed bohemian style simplicity!!!
  14. Anthony, before you actually buy it, do some more research on any RFI issues. They say that they have mostly worked them out, but you need to be sure. Another option that does not create RFI is the West Mountain Radio solution here: https://www.westmountainradio.com/product_info.php?products_id=epic-pwrgate This is the one I have in the car (full disclosure, I have the Victron in my portable battery pack). If I get a chance, I'll take some photos. Actually, wait, I do have a picture handy. **edit** I lied 😎 I have a picture of the battery pack, it's there on the floor in front of me, but the Victron is buried beneath the postcards, oh well 🤣
  15. Sad I won't get to hear it, but super happy you're doing this!!

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