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Everything posted by K3MRI

  1. Hi Gene. Sorry, a little late in welcoming you to Ham Community. Glad you're aboard!
  2. Great job Scott. Indeed... the wind was nice and loud 🔊 Looks like it was a perfect day, though. And thanks for telling us about K2AA! For anyone who want the link: https://sjra.club/sjraclub/ 105 years old, wow!! Jim
  3. Hi Dave. Welcome to our small community. Great to have you aboard. Jim
  4. Hey Mike. Great to have you here. Thanks for joining our small but passionate community of hams. Jim
  5. Hi Pete. Welcome to our small but growing community of passionate hams. Great to have you aboard. Jim
  6. Good morning Nancy and welcome to our small but growing community. Glad to have you aboard.
  7. Beware of runaway birthday helium balloons, you might see an F-22 locking target 🚀
  8. Hey John, welcome aboard.
  9. Hi Lou. Welcome to our small but growing, and very friendly, community 😇 Jim
  10. until
    Ham Community and our various sister projects will be attending and exhibiting at Hamvention 2023. Find us in Booth 1809 in Building 1. Drop by to say hello, join us, and pick up this year's giveaway... it's our nicest one so far. Also, feel free to leave a comment down below if you plan on attending, we'd love to see you. In greater detail:
  11. I will never look at a portapotty the same way again. I will have visions of myself tumbling across the desert.
  12. In looking at it again, I agree that the cut is a little jarring overall. Not sure what the fix is though. You could do a smoother/softer transition (e.g. fade) but I don't think it warrants it. I might have also tried the cut at 0:37 right as you're turning. You still see the car at the end but because you are not yet in your straight approach to the wall, it's maybe less obvious. A third option would have been if you had some b-roll of a house on the side of the street, for instance. You could have spliced that short cutaway in between. In short, tough one 🙃
  13. Well, just ‘cause you asked… I just asked him if we could do FD2023 on his land. It would be a Ham Community FD effort. Let’s see what he says… Oh, wait, did I mention I have another friend with a 500-acre plot of land in northern Québec that also happens to have a 500-foot tower? 🤣 Now let me get back to my usually scheduled crying session as I sit in my HOA condo (only three years to go until we move to our new setup…)
  14. I’ve always wondered if dreaming was healthy. And yet… I live therefore I dream. I’m torn. Being an explorer by nature, I love the idea of a transportable station. And yet, I too imagine that antenna farm of all antenna farms. I know a few. I also have a buddy, a co-conspirator on Ham Community who just bought a 50-acre farm and just last night we were on the phone yapping about that ultimate antenna setup that he is considering putting on his land. The good news is that if he goes for it, I get to help him build it and play with it!!
  15. Wow Lind. Amazing. Really good. Will watch again and comment, but loved it.
  16. I had previously asked what you would buy with $10,000. I would now like to change my question slightly. If you were given any amount of money to purchase a set up, what kind of set up would you purchase? Would you rather have a state of the art, portable installation, a state of the art, mobile installation, or a state of the art home-based shack?
  17. I see what you’re trying to do. Makes sense. But you know me… doublet + windowline + transformer + tuner. Obviously, I’ll lose a little more power than you though.
  18. That’s what I’m currently using, indeed with the retainer pins. The problem is the wire to connector connection. It’s fine when there is no pull, but when the ladderline is hanging from the doublet, it pulls down and eventually, after just a few setups, the wire becomes loose. I could solder, but then… corrosion sets in much faster. I’ve had luck with MC4 before because there is enough space in the casing to fold the stripped wire back over; the powerpole casing is too tight for that. I’ll definitely take a picture when my new connectors get here Monday.
  19. Hi Andy, I am probably completely off-base so please correct me, but I’m confused. Why would you want to correct the SWR? We care about the SWR at the Tuner or Radio, not at the antenna, no? The tuner ‘sees’ the coax so it has to be part of the measurement. Yes? No?
  20. Salut Georges et bienvenue chez Ham Community. Et oui, un francophone aux USA 😳 We’re a small but growing community and are super happy to have someone join us from France!!
  21. I have been wrestling on how to connect two lengths of 450-ohm window line. For a while I was using purple powerpoles, purple so as not to confuse them with 12V. However, if you put enough weight on a powerpole for long enough, it loosens. You could always use solder, but at antenna voltages, I'd rather not deal with the corrosion. And so, I have now opted for the trusted MC4 solar connector. Seems to be working. There is enough space for me to double back the stripped wire so that it holds. I did not take pictures of this first set but I will next week considering I ran out of MC4s and have ordered a set which will arrive Sunday.
  22. Impressive array of repeaters. Love the first map with overlays. Quick question, how realistic, or close to realistic, are the sizes of the circles? Are those just arbitrary for illustration purposes or are they actual likely reach? I think it's time we do one like this for the Capital region.
  23. Super clean job Anthony. Not that I would have expected anything less!! 🏆
  24. Let's play nice 😇 My best friend is from that really big State which feeds the rest of us. I actually discovered that California provides some ridiculous number of our vegetables and fruit, like over 50% I think. That's nuts (pun intended). In any case, CONGRATS on the contact. As for homemade dipole, is it an untuned doublet or is it a tuned dipole to 40M? Also, how high off the ground?

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