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Great Smoky Mountains Cabin

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This is a night shot of a cabin in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Several lit flashlights were placed inside the cabin and another flashlight was used to "paint" the outside with light.

20220502 - Nightime Cabin - 750_0260 - 6016x4016.jpg

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Lind… love it. It would make a really nice gallery print also. Only comment, if you do it again, paint a bit of the ground leading up to the cabin door as well, just to give the shot some more grounding. Another winner!!!! Congrats.

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Most of the people did not have remote detonators, so they set a 2 second delay to dampen any camera movement. So the word would be given to start the exposure and 2 seconds later the word would be given to start the light painting. Unfortunately, the guy doing the light painting would wait for the start painting word to be given and then open his shutter. After two seconds he would start fiddling with his flashlight and by the time he started painting, most people's shutters would be closing. I guess it's one of the problems with groups.

Perhaps I'll try to lighten it in post. Or process some different versions of this picture.


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