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About WB4KFO

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  • Joined: 08/24/2019

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WB4KFO last won the day on August 13 2023

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    none of you damned business

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  1. Work the state QSO Parties. Work as many as you can. Someone will confirm. Work ARRL Sweepstakes. Watch the cluster lists for your two states. Only concentrate on getting your two states. Work multiple stations to ensure confirmation. Forget the contest aspect. You are only after your two states. Any other contest you can work US stations can be useful too. Good Luck. https://www.contestcalendar.com/weeklycont.php
  2. from QRZ For those too young to remember, Fair Radio was a fun retailer of surplus gear. Always fun to get their catalogues and peruse the unique advertising. https://forums.qrz.com/index.php?threads/fair-radio-sales-calls-it-quits.875075/
  3. WB4KFO


    I thought he was talking about ham radio lids
  4. Interesting. There was an account in Electric Radio Magazine about a clandestine radio in a Japanese POW camp for Americans. The radio was enclosed in a GI canteen concealed in the canteen pouch. It was hung up in open display and the Japanese guards never examined it.
  5. Update: By coincidence the topic was discussed on QRZ as well and revealed some interesting information. https://forums.qrz.com/index.php?threads/b52s-planet-claire-morse-code.864874/#post-6547063 The code was sent from CFH Halifax Nova Scotia.
  6. Thank you Jim. This is wonderful. I was looking for something to mainly surf the web. I discovered that chromebooks cannot be upgraded, so the cheap machines on Amazon have only a limited life span. Also often do not advertise the version so who knows if it would be compatibile now. Will exsplore Windows upgrade and get ready for Windows 11.
  7. I am considering buying a chromebook and need to go about shopping. Do they need upgrading like windows? If so what version should I look for? I mainly want for web surfing at a good speed. What features of chromebooks are useful to ham radio? I don't need all the features of a windows pc thanks for any replys, Bill.
  8. Tube Night last Monday of the month. Three tubes or more in you transmitter. I enjoy hearing the old gear. 3938 8pm. Will be on Memorial Day evening.
  9. I copied the cw at the start of the song. I got 16 letters until it faded into the music. Lets see what everyone gets.
  10. Thank you Anthony. Excellent. That was a very informative answer. I will have to check if my rigs have split frequency. To be truthful, every time I encounter this, I think of the old Heathkit rigs with the outboard VFO.
  11. At this moment the other station is on 7203.5, he wants people to transmit to him on 7186. How is someone supposed to toggle at the fast pace of a contest?
  12. Scroll down to number 5. How war almost broke out between the US and Canada. Some interesting personalities got involved, such as the later Confederate General George Pickett, and Kaiser Wilhelm I. Enjoy! https://www.history.com/news/7-times-the-u-s-canada-border-wasnt-so-peaceful
  13. One of the cans on the Korean War jeep is a curiosity. It is the pattern of a German can, which was also copied by the British in the same configuration as the German can with British markings. The US version is next to the spare tire. I used to bring one of those cans to field day.
  14. http://www.americainwwii.com/articles/cobra-king-today/ The Sherman tank is the actual "Cobra King" the first tank of the 4th Armored Division to break the siege at Bastogne where the 101st Airborne Division was surrounded. The tank disappeared in World War II then suddenly reappeared in Germany fairly recently. The whole amazing story is in the link above. Looking forward to visiting the museum. Cobra King is the M4A3E2, nicknamed a "Jumbo" tank. Armor protection was increased in places and was intended to be used attacking the Siegfried line. Only 254 were built. With that extra armor the Jumbo was a natural for a point tank. The tracks have the optional "extended end connectors" installed, which was necessary on the Jumbo because of the extra weight.
  15. Here are some photos of the Alexandria Radio Club Field Day circa 1972 at the Episcopal High School in Alexandria VA

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