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Everything posted by K3MRI

  1. I see it as "jester flower" because it looks like a jester's hat) 😏
  2. Good morning Bob. Welcome to Ham Community and if you're doing Field Day today: enjoy.
  3. Thanks for joining us Peter, welcome aboard.
  4. Now that I re-read what I wrote, sure sounds like it but, no, the idea was for him to drive my jeep while I rode my bike. Frankly, if I could find a couple of guys/gals who wanted to go up, I'd do it in a heartbeat (assuming we're allowed to cross the border in the next ten years 👿😠
  5. Long live HDR! It is very difficult to present a good highly saturated shot; this is one time where it came out perfectly. Well done Lind. Love the background! And you know me, I usually dislike centering, in this case, it's the only way to go. 9.5/10. The only hit is on the stem. I wish I could see another few mm (being sooooo picky now). 😍
  6. I'd be up for a few days, frankly. Also, I think this is one where Maria would actually join in. Ideally, we could have gone up some time in 2021 for a test run, but they're fully booked. Regardless, maybe we can still visit? To be considered. Is this a COTA - Caboose on the air?
  7. Wow! That would be amazing. As for power: solar + batteries. The challenge is finding enough for space antennas.But I will say this, I could be convinced to do this.
  8. As many of you know, Ham Census has been gathering impressions from operators... what do we think about various aspects of the hobby. More importantly, being solutions-oriented, Ham Census asks them to send a message to various constituencies, among them, other hams. One operator said this: I would therefore like to both start a mini poll here and a discussion around civility in amateur radio. Also, if you believe there is a lack of civility, how do we improve things?
  9. Welcome aboard Ronald. Glad you chose to register. We're almost neighbors... 11 miles separate us 😎
  10. Better. Sounds crazy, but now try rotating 180º. I’d be curious to see if there is a marked difference when the spider is right-side up.
  11. No promises, but this summer, because Maria is away for several weeks, I'll try and take the car out and get on the RT. Note that I am entirely revamping the car setup to be able to CW from the car.
  12. I see your spider and raise you a bee.
  13. K3MRI

    Operating in the field

    I did, actually. Once! Not twice! 😬
  14. Loving where this is going. We need to think and talk this over and then see if there would be a viable funding opportunity and implementation roadmap. Will revert with more thoughts. As for the fire in the hole...😎
  15. This was actually a 'test' setup prior to my motorcycle trip to the Arctic Ocean. As you can see, I was testing my electric fence to, hopefully, keep grizzly and polar bears at bay (it works). Behind the tent you can see the mast for my antenna and right next to me is the battery pack / radio combo. All this, and the tent, on the bike you see in the 'garage'!

    • 0 B
    • x
  16. @W3TDH I actually really like this approach Tom, it's innovative. If I understand you correctly, the role of hams could be to deploy a base of operations, ideally with both fm repeater in tow and some hf (nvis I would assume) capability, just outside the perimeter of a disaster. This would then allow any willing hams to join that staging area, physically if desired, but be on standby for client activation. I like it. My only caveat is the island scenario, though even there, where there is an island in distress, there is likely a nearby island that was spared. If this was your intent, I really really like it. And frankly, it makes sense. We are wireless people, able to project our assistance, why immediately rush in. And with this scenario, if we were truly pro-active and regular in our interventions, the clients would know that there is going to be a civilian assistance radio deployment (just invented that ... C.A.R.D.) that would be available nearby. And then, should they want accompanying operators in theater, that's fine, we would go but as the provider. Really liking this paradigm.
  17. I stand humbly corrected. Indeed, Gerke, too often overlooked 😇
  18. PERFECTION MASTER LIND!!! I love it when my young Padawans become Jedi Masters!
  19. K3MRI


    So, first off, I like the explanation. Well done and appreciated. However, now we need a command decision. I'm preparing something really nice for Ham Community and this QRI question needs a decision. We agree that no one in his right mind would respond to a QRI with 1-2-3? Right? I wouldn't. I would instinctively use a scale of 9. However, if anyone looks up a QRI definition, for now they'll find 1-2-3. So, do we change the world, or just lazily drift along in the raft of habit?
  20. Version 1.0.0


    A well produced map (ICOM) showing both the ITU and the CQ DX Zones of the world.
  21. K3MRI


    Hi Lind. So, looked it up in several Q-code listings and they all have the same QRI definition (see image). Thoughts?? Jim
  22. K3MRI


    I know. But this is the definition that I got from some official source. I can’t look it up right now, I’ll do it later tonight or tomorrow and post the link.
  23. Welcome Tyssen. Glad to have you aboard.
  24. K3MRI


    A question that may remain unanswered. I direct it mostly at CW ops because we use Q-codes more than talkers 😇🥰 QRI?? Depending on the source of your definition, it broadly asks the question: "How is the tone of my transmission"? The answers I have found seem to agree that 1=Good, 2=Variable and 3=Bad. In every other evaluation scale in ham radio, the higher the number, the better, not the worse. 5/9 means what it means; it's better than 2/6. So why is QRI in reverse order? Anyone have any idea?
  25. I’m of no use to this conversation because I’ve sold my ICOMs, but the application does look promising, and it’s open source!! I don’t want to hijack the thread, but I have a question for you Mike. Is the output, including the waterfall, in full HD resolution (1080) or not? I looked on their site and could not find the answer. That would be a game changer considering the lower resolution of the output on, for example, the 7610. **Edit** Just looked at parts of the video you posted. Sure looks full HD. And to boot, it seems super responsive.

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