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Everything posted by KD2SPF

  1. I have been searching the web for a complete picture on how digital “bridging” works. Seems to be mode specific, There’s a lot of information available but none that provides a clear picture soup to nuts. Some sites talk about running software(DV4mini or DVSwitch) and others talk about servers(YSF-Reflectors, XLX) or both with server’s running AllStar node and DVSwitch, and pointing to MMDVM gateways. Then there are the black holes like WiresX. I think this is a good starting point and I feel this is a wonderful place to dump this information.
  2. Starlink is a great idea, I just hope they soon begin addressing the waiting list. I already tried T-Moble and Verizon Jetpacks which are known to have issues with port forwarding too. I guess this is why FM repeaters have stuck around for so long.
  3. Question, regarding your remote sites that run digital and how you get internet to them? do you rely on WISP? or hotspots/jetpacks from the major carriers? I am currently moving locations and running walking down this path for the first time.
  4. Hey Ham Community, this is an automated post on behalf of our new member: KD2SPF, On behalf of Ham Community, let's give KD2SPF a warm welcome. KD2SPF, we encourage you to browse around and get to know the Community's many sections. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask, as with all things HAM, we all love to give advice 😎 For everyone's information, KD2SPF joined on the 05/21/2022; this is their profile: View Member.

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