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Marine Corps Marathon 2020


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  • Administrator

A new thread to start talking about the 2020 Marine Corps Marathon in Washington D.C.

For now, it's on. Let's see what happens.

Here is the link to the official site: https://www.marinemarathon.com

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Administrator

Hey Skip. For 'now' the word is that it is on. I was on a meeting with Howard, who runs the ham portion of it, and the current status was a Go. Obviously, things may change. If you were to ask me, off-the-record 🙄 I think the lockdown is going to last through the winter. As numbers are going... we're going to easily jump the summer gap and roll right into flu season. I told my wife that she won't be back at work until March... 

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Yeah.  It is really disheartening to see our fellow citizens refusing to inconvenience themselves to slow the spread.

In any event, I have not checked myself, but the word is the the Marine Corps signup is still not working.

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  • Administrator

I have a leadership MCM meeting this weekend. I'll come back with some news.

You know, if every single person were respectful of the other, we could do so much more. The problem is, people want the freedom without the responsibility so we end up contaminating each other. Apparently, one of our field day teammates, the only one who chose to come without a mask, flaunting it no less, just sent out an email telling us all he tested positive. Fortunately for me, I kept very very far away from him, but regardless... unacceptable. Anyway, back to topic, let's see what happens with MCM.

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