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2020 Hurricane season

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Copied from the hurricane watch net on Facebook:


With all that is happening in this world, COVID-19 has been getting the majority of the news and headlines. Nevertheless, Mother Nature is still at work and we do have a Hurricane Season that is soon approaching.

This morning, Dr. Philip Klotzbach released his first forecast for the 2020 Atlantic Basin Hurricane Season. “We anticipate that the 2020 Atlantic basin hurricane season will have above-normal activity. Current warm neutral ENSO conditions appear likely to transition to cool neutral ENSO or potentially even weak La Niña conditions by this summer/fall. Sea surface temperatures averaged across the tropical Atlantic are somewhat above normal. Our Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation index is below its long-term average; however, most of the tropical Atlantic is warmer than normal. We anticipate an above-average probability for major hurricanes making landfall along the continental United States coastline and in the Caribbean. As is the case with all hurricane seasons, coastal residents are reminded that it only takes one hurricane making landfall to make it an active season for them. They should prepare the same for every season, regardless of how much activity is predicted.”

Dr. Klotzbach is currently forecasting 16 named storms, 8 to become a Hurricanes with 4 of those to become a Major Hurricane (Cat 3 or stronger).

As a reminder, the Eastern Pacific Hurricane Season ‘officially’ runs from May 15th to Nov 30th. The Atlantic Hurricane Season ‘officially’ runs from June 1st to Nov 30th. However, tropical cyclones can develop at any time of the year.

To keep up with the tropics, please visit our website, www.hwn.org.Additionally, we invite you to sign up for “Tropical Weather Email”. This is a free service and one that we’ve been providing for 20-years. With this service, during hurricane season, you will receive the tropical weather outlook as well as advisories and updates on any developing or active storm. You can sign up for weather in the Atlantic Basin, Eastern Pacific Basin, and the Central Pacific Basin.

On behalf of the staff and management of the Hurricane Watch Net, we wish everyone a safe season and to stay well during this current pandemic.

God Bless,
Bobby Graves
Net Manager
Hurricane Watch Net


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