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2020 Field Day Project - 40 Meter SSB Transceiver


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Hi VWS- 

I have set myself a goal of a having a 100% scratch-built 40 meter QRP SSB transceiver built and ready to demonstrate by field day.  The design is based on the Simple SSB Transceiver project by Pete Juliano, N6QW.  The finished rig will work on 40 meter SSB phone, both upper and lower sideband, so it can do digital modes.   It is about as simple an SSB transceiver as you can get - on 10 transistors total, which gives me hope that I can actually build it.   I think the total cost of all parts will including the fancy digital VFO will come in at less than $50.  I plan to document the project as I go and post updates here in this message thread.    If anyone would also like to build this project please let me know.   I plan to build a module every couple of weeks between now and field day.  

I have the first module breadboarded and working - it is the VFO control.  It consists of an Arduino micro controller and an SI5351 clock generator which will provide the VFO/LO and LO frequencies.  

Here is a demonstration of the VFO.

If anyone would also like to build this project please let me know.  It would be great to have some partners in crime..(radio).




President of Vice, VWS



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