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What Logging Software do you use?


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Linux preferred, but if there's an incredible Windows package, then let's hear about it.

I would love to have a combined normal log and contest logger application, (e.g. create separate logs for contest periods) but I don't know if anything like that exists.

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I use N1MM for contesting. It's free and it's become a standard for many clubs during field day. Outside of contests, I'm a bad example, I don't log. 😲

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I like N1MM too.  I had to manually input something back on Field Day but I can't remember why.  I find it is a good idea to refamiliarize myself with the program and not wait until the contest starts to set the log up.  I like to manually enter the exact frequency the qso occurred but it does slow me down.

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  • 3 years later...

N3FJP's Amateur Contact Log.

I continue to look at solutions using Linux, there are some good ones there as well (still not close to the usability of ACL).  I know N3FJP's ACL can run under Linux with Wine but it's a challenge.

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I just started using Log4OM after using Logic 9 for many years.  It seems to get the job done is a reasonable fashion.   Log4om does not support membership lists so I cannot enter a call an know a contacts similar memberships (SKCC, CWOPS, etc.) so I created a Node Red flow to accomplish this since the software allows messaging. When I enter a call in Log4OM it sends the call to my Node Red flow which has a database of memberships to perform the lookup.  Log4OM plays well with LOTW, eQSL, etc. as well as GridTracker.  I like that is is integrated with VOACAP for checking propagation on the bands.  It's cluster is very useful and I have added the ability to receive alerts for POTA activation spots entered by nearby states. 

N1MM+ is great for contesting but a great general log but it too plays well with Log4OM which is donationware.   

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