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The Commonwealth of Virginia  Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) Strategy and Implementation Plan  Containing the 2020 Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives


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Since November 2019 after participating in the first DHS AUXCOMM class in Virginia in over 4 years a committee led by John Roberts, Virginia Section Emergency Coordinator was formed and after tireless effort and keeping in line with the ARRL's National Strategic Plan, Virginia now has a plan of it's own. Here is a link to that plan and to follow developing stories along these lines - point your browser to: https://aresva.us/


The Commonwealth of Virginia 

Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®)

Strategy and Implementation Plan 

Containing the 2020 Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives

https://aresva.us/files/plans/ARES VA Strategic Plan Complete (FINAL191221-Signed).pdf



Brendan - KM4HRR

ARES VA Strategic Plan Complete (FINAL191221-Signed).pdf

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