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Chaverim Net


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The next meeting of the Chaverim net: Monday, November 11

7:00 PM EST   7.268 Mhz 

7:30 PM EST   3.830 Mhz

First 40 meters, then try 80 meters.  

I will be listing our net on NetLogger.

Please forward this to anyone who would be interested.

All Hams are most Welcome!


Which band is better?  Looking to pick a band for the net.  

Thanks and Shalom

Joe Cotton W3TTT

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  • Administrator

Hi Joe. Just hit me that for 80m nets especially, it's good to mention the general location of net control so people know if they can reach you. Another idea, just thought of this, is that it'll be good for net controls to publish antenna as well so that people know how they will best contact you, that includes whether it's set up more for dx or nvis.

Regardless, fantastic that you have this net going.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Elmer

I try to join this net whenever I can but the recent lack of propagation has made it difficult. 40 meters ismy best band and my E-W double bazooka should be preferenced N-S direction but the recent low SFI numbers have been disappointing. Let's keep it up Joe!

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  • Administrator

Hey Joe, like I told you in my email, unfortunately I am out of town until next week and without access to HF. I hope you take rain checks.

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On 2/11/2020 at 12:30 PM, W3TTT said:

Let's have a Chaverim net tonight, Tuesday, February 11, 2020.  7:00 PM Eastern time (0000 zulu, Wednesday) : Frequency = 7.265 MHz plus or minus.  



Is there a regular schedule for these gatherings?


--Harry, W1HMM

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