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Live stream from presentation at Vienna Wireless Society


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During most of the meetings of Vienna Wireless Society there are two presentations on various topics: a short one (~30 mins) to start with, followed by a longer (45mins-1 hour). Most of the presentations are streamed live, so remote audience can fully participate in club's meetings.

I'll be posting in this thread links to upcoming presentations.

While waiting for the next event, please feel free to browse an extensive list of recordings from past presentations, which can be found on VWS web site: http://viennawireless.net/wp/meetings/presentations/


During the upcoming meeting on Oct 23 we will have two presentations, which HC audience can found interesting:

At 19:00EDT/23:00UTC will introduce Ham Community to VWS members:


At 20:00EDT/00:00(+1)UTC Gump, KC5CG will talk about the art and science of Radio Direction Finding:


I'll be monitoring YT chat, so please feel free to join us, comment and ask questions.

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