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2NEC4 modeling transformers


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I'm modeling an antenna in 2NEC4. The antenna has a 4:1 balun. I'd like to start by modeling this as a simple impedance matching transformer. I can not figure out how to model a transformer in 2NEC4, hence this post.

I've been told I can do this using the NT command but I don't know the admittance values I'd use. 

Is using an NT command the only or best method to add an impedance matching transformer in NEC? If so, how do I calculate the admittance values?

FWIW: I also use EZNEC and it has a transformer element. I read that the 2NEC4 import of .EZ files does not support import of that element. I tried and it did fail.

Any reference links to Y parameters for transformers would be helpful as would an example nec model that has a transformer. The later asking a lot I know.

Mike / KA4CDN

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Hey Mike. I don't have the answer re 2NEC4, but I'm tagging @W4TG maybe Frank has an answer. I use EZNEC and I can confirm that you are the second person who I know has failed at importing .ez into 2NEC4.

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Thanks Jim for responding.

Importing generally works fine, i.e., opening an .EZ file in 2NEC4. In this case, the guy that wrote the importer wrote it prior to transformers were added to EZNEC and thus he never implement it. The import may also have a problem with virtual wires but I'm not 100% sure. For EZNEC models with standard wires, sources and loads, importing has work well for me.


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Just now, KA4CDN said:

Thanks Jim for responding.

Importing generally works fine, i.e., opening an .EZ file in 2NEC4. In this case, the guy that wrote the importer wrote it prior to transformers were added to EZNEC and thus he never implement it. The import may also have a problem with virtual wires but I'm not 100% sure. For EZNEC models with standard wires, sources and loads, importing has work well for me.


Agreed. Same with my friend. His problem was like you, the baluns!! 😕

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