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Heathkit HW-101 Transceiver


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Over the Labor Day weekend I checked into the Cherry Tree Net and made several QSOs with this Heathkit HW-101.  It's back on the air after being idle for some time.  It needed some work on the VFO and alignment of the transmitter.  Currently, I'm using a D-104 mic with this transceiver.


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  • Administrator

Hey Brad. Amazing sound, really. As for the drifting, like I said during the net, I really did not hear any on tx. Maybe it was there but I could not hear it.

Will I change out my digital display for an analog knob... maybe not, but then again, maybe so... 🤨 Brings back so many memories!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Administrator

Hi Brad.  Yes, brings back memories from the old analog/tube days.  The old HW-101 sounded good on the net and it sounded quite stable to me to.  The digital frequency displays of today really spoil use since we can just dial in the freq.  Back in the day, we usually had a crystal calibrator oscillator but it was usually only every 100kc or so, that you zero-beated then set your dial to it.  There weren't that many rigs that had analog dials could down to 1kc so it was a bit of a guess on exactly the frequency you were on.  Even so, there was something nice about those mechanical analog dials when you spun the VFO knob.  Thanks for the memories.... the Heathkit HW101 sounded good!

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