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Usage of Cross Band Repeat


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Hi All -

I'm assigned to Food Stop 1 which is a location that requires a mast for hitting the repeaters. My current plan is to attach the (20') mast to whatever tent is used for the food. I have the means to do this with either zip ties or bungee cords. This will prevent the need for putting any stakes in the ground since this location is NPS property I believe.

That being said, in my experience working other events I've made use of crossband repeat for mobility around the rest stop. The mobile rig (still set to 5 watts) is in a go box next to the mast, while I can move around the stop with an HT.

Is this allowed? I'm happy to share planned frequencies to ensure deconfliction, though they don't conflict with anything on the frequency guide in the operating manual.


Justin AB3E

Edited by AB3E
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  • Club Leadership

Justin, let's take this off line to the larger group of Ham Volunteers.  Expect an email to you/several others on this request.

Mike, WA8AHZ


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