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Volunteers Needed For Richmond VA Marathon (Nov. 11th, 2023)


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Hi All,

I am the Amateur Radio Coordinator for this year’s Allianz Partners 2023 Richmond Marathon. It’s on Nov. 11th, 2023. I still need six volunteers for this event. There are four Water Stops and one Medical Tent that need staffing. You don’t have to be experienced in events for the Water Stops, but you do for the Medical Tents. 
If you are available and interested, please contact me at: W4PKR@ARRL.NET

In the subject line, please include the phrase “2023 Richmond Marathon”

In the body of the email, please tell me:

1) Your name and call sign

2) What previous experience you have volunteering at events, if any

3) What portable and mobile equipment you have currently 

4) Your shirt size, as they give us a shirt for the event, plus they require us to wear their reflective vests, which identify us as volunteers for the event. We get to keep the shirts, but not the vests! 

I will reply to you as soon as I hear from you and add you to the roster. Thanks in advance for your interest in volunteering for this event! 


Jim Rubin, W4PKR

Amateur Radio Coordinator

Allianz Partners 2023 Richmond Marathon


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