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Volunteers on the Air Operating Event ... W1AW/4


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Operators needed to
use the W1AW/4 Callsign
during VA VOTA Week, March 15 - 21

You can also operate as W1AW/4
during the VA QSO Party, March 18-19

Attention VA club members:
Our Virginia section has been selected by ARRL to operate the W1AW/4 callsign during the Virginia week of the Volunteers on the Air (VOTA) program and our VA QSO Party. VOTA is a year-long event to honor all the volunteers of Amateur Radio from ARRL staff to VEs and QSL Bureau card sorters. Hams contacting a W1AW/4 station or volunteer can earn points towards certificates and ranking at the end of the year. The Virginia VOTA week is being hosted by the Sterling Park ARC.

You can operate Phone, CW and Digital modes on all bands except WARC bands. W1AW/4 operators must use a computer logging program that can export an ADIF file such as N1MM+ or similar and upload the file using an upload utility provided by ARRL. Questions? Contact Evan, KM4SK at sterlingparkradio@gmail.com. For complete information about VOTA operating and FAQs, go to vota.arrl.org

Sign up now to operate W1AW/4 during VAQP and VOTA using the link below. The link takes you to the online Google Sheet Sign-up form. Operate for an hour or as many as you wish.

Evan Mann, KM4SK
Sterling Park ARC


W1AW/4 runs from Wed., March 15th to Tues., March 21st (including the VA QSO Party March 18-19)



W1AW/4 VOTA event begins
0000 UTC March 15, 2023 and ends
2359 UTC March 21. 2023


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