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ladderline and antenna mast separation distance


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  • Administrator

Hi Tim. I 'think' I can visualize what you mean. The antenna mast may not be your main, or at least only, problem. How high off the ground is the Yagi and how far below the Yagi will be the G5RV. Also, I'm trying to visualize what you mean by a horizontal support.




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  • Administrator

Got it. So, what you're really interested in is how far horizontally do you have to be from the G5RV and or the redline. Regardless of whether you use 300 or 450 ohm ladder line, you literally only need inches. The common practice is twice the width of the ladder line. So if, hypothetically, the ladder line is 1-inch wide, you need to be two inches away from metal. So as long as the antenna and feedline are a few inches away, you're good to go. Will the tower have a pattern impact? Same answer as the next paragraph.

As far as interference between the Yagi and the G5RV, I have not modeled it but the five foot spacing is ample. Of course, two antennas will always affect each other's pattern, but a wire antenna sitting five feet under a Yagi will have insanely negligible effect.

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