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Tall Ship Potomac Cruise


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Last Sunday, same day as Marine Corps Marathon, my wife and I took a cruise around the Potomac on a tall ship that is a replica of a 1775 Rhode Island Navy ship (which is powered by an engine from a landing craft that was used in the Normandy invasion in WW2)

Tall Ship Potomac Cruise


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Hey Lind, two things.

First, I know it's heresy, but imagine setting up a vertical on that mast 😇

Secondly, I am upset at you. Your photography has become flawless taking away my ability to critique!! Could you please, just for me, get a couple of shots wrong? Just for me 😙 Seriously, I am amazed at how far your photography has come in the past five years. Congrats 👏

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Thank you. But check the fourth picture on the left one third  vertical between the white building and the glass building just below the long thin horizontal cloud. And then there's the tenth picture just above the rightmost stack with the crane pointing right at IT. Gotta get my Z6 into the dishwasher. Actually, while I've had photographers tell me that it is dust on the sensor, I'm not convinced because that spot used to appear in the upper right portion of the frame. I can't help thinking that it is on the lens.

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100% sensor dust. I know it too well 😟 Easy fix, just get one of the sensor cleaning kits off Amazon. The reason they move is because it's precisely that... dust. Just be grateful you only have one. If I have time, I'll dig into my library and show you some shots that had a dozen, maybe two dozen specks. Pretty bad. Managed to clean the sensor down to one little point that's easy to patch out.

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