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Need antenna ideas


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I'm finally setting up a station (been licensed a long time but never active) and need a little help with antenna ideas. I live in an HOA ruled community so I have to be a bit sneaky. I would like to be able to work 75/40/20 and have a little room to sneak up an end fed wire. The attached drawing shows what area I have in my back yard to play with. I say end fed because I don't want to run a line to the middle of a dipole. Right now I listen via a Terlin MTW Outbacker whip mounted on a tripod in the shack. I don't transmit because it's about 7 feet from me. The rig is a Kenwood TS-830S and I have a Vectronics VC-300DLP tuner to use with whatever I put up. Any suggestions on an antenna approach or a good book(s) on simple HF antenna design?



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Your drawing shows a building with an attic. When I lived in an HOA ruled home, I used Hamstick dipoles in the attic. Obviously not the best setup but I did work the Ukraine on 20CW. Don't know how well it would work for SSB. You could check out https://udel.edu/~mm/ham/randomWire/

I've used this for my end fed field day antenna setup. According to the chart, you would need 70 ft for 80/75.

I don't know if I would go to the effort to attach the antenna high into a tree only to have the HOA snoops spot it and make me take it down a week later. Do you own the property? If so, can you put up a flagpole? Perhaps a fiberglass flagpole with a vertical inside of it. I use a Hustler 6BTV (not inside a flagpole, although I had considered that) with 20 radials and it works very nicely except for ground wave with stations using horizontal antennas. 

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