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What is your favorite base station transceiver?


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There are many choices for a base station transceiver. 
Brand name companies include:










What is your favorite transceiver?

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Hi Chris. That’s a tough question. First, I would argue, it depends on the model. Then it depends on usage. And, of course, favorite does not mean ‘I can afford it’ so that comes into play. And I hate to lean in favor of one manufacturer only. But yes, if I had to buy one right this minute, I would likely go for an Elecraft K4 followed by a Kenwood 590S. But to be frank, I like them all and I fear that you may have more people than just me feeling that way. Amateur radio transceiver manufacturers have come a long way in the past fifty years and most, if not all, really do have great products on the market.

By the way, I moved the topic to Transceivers.

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I am quite happy with my Elecraft KX3 with a PX3 panadapter and a KXPA 100 amplifier. It provides a good foundation for contesting and digital modes. I can pack it up for field work, but it has earned a home in my ham shack.

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Not sure I can really answer this question as I am new and have an Icom 7100, but used an Icom 7300 at Field Day.

I like the comfort of the 7100, but the 7300's waterfall was great.

So there you have a non answer answer.

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1 minute ago, KD9TGU said:

I like the comfort of the 7100, but the 7300's waterfall was great.

Thanks for that Bob. I have several friends who have the 7100 including @W4DOI and @KW4TO. They both love it for its versatility and network capabilities. As for the 7300, I had one but sold it. To be frank, I find it's a fun rig, lots of fun, but it has its limitations, notably front end overloading in multi station environments. I still think it is absolutely worth its price and a great first rig, but someday you'll likely want to move to another platform. In the meantime... just:


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