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Interesting QSO.

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I got on 80m CW last night to test my antenna. During one of the storms of the last couple of evenings, a branch fell out one of the trees (judging by the size of the antenna in comparison, I would guess about 50+ ft) and hit one of the guy ropes. So now it is leaning over and has a definite bend at the 80 m coil. I wanted to be sure it still worked before this weekend's Slow Speed CW Round Table.

Anyway, I made contact with an 80 year old fellow who was a Coast Guard radio operator back in 1960. He had a really nice fist but would occasionally make a mistake which I assumed was due to trying to keep the speed down to my speed while using a bug set for a higher. Then he apologized for the mistakes because he has Parkinson's disease. WOW! As I said, the mistakes were only occasional. 

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