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testing older coax lightning protecters.


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well i have a couple older protectors, how do i test them to know if any good?

i do have some new on order anyhow. but just hate to trash these if any good.

i live in a area that does not get much lightning. but the dryer summer (heck just got zapped good last week-late jan)air does build up static.  i get zapped just getting out of my truck. touching metal shelves at stores, etc.

maybe just me, i must have a electrifying personalty.

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  • Administrator

Hi Larry, if you do a search on the Internet, you are going to come up with dozens of companies offering testing as a service, and for good reason, it can be a delicate operation. This said, I had kept a link when I was thinking of testing mine a little while back:

https://www.timesmicrowave.com/DataSheets/Literature/On Site Testing with TMS LP-SPT Surge Protection Tester -TechDoc-.pdf

The problem is that this requires the purchase of their tester and it's not cheap (just under $1,000).


Traditional continuity testing is useless because if that had failed, you'd have known it...

I think this is the kind of tool that a Club should buy and make available.

Sorry for a not-very-useful answer.


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