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My Kind of Remote for FD 2022 is Dead.


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I have been in contact with the people at the observatory to get permission to operate from the Castaway Caboose drop off location. They requested information about the proposed setup and informed me of some West Virginia regulations about operating transmitters within 10 miles of an observatory. When I checked these with the ARRL, the ARRL people informed me that when they looked at the requirements, there was no way to comply with them even running QRP.

I am not going to pursue this project any further. 

  • Unfortunate | Sad | Too bad 1
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  • Administrator

You know Lind, if we're looking for original, a thought may have crossed my mind. Let me look into it before I blab. Give me a couple of days to contact some people about another unique location.

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I mean, for us it's a PITA, but it is one cool tool! I mean, you could say it's the ultimate amateur radio receiver 🤔

That poor engineer without a cell phone seems a little frustrated, despite what he says!

In essence, it's a state of the art tool operating in a medieval zone 😆

Wow... a frequency cop!!!

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