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data plugs


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Hello getting back into all this. was hoping as i have not found anything online (wrong wording?)

but i have a yaesu FT-897 with the FC-30 tuner. and the "factory" styled cables to connect, and both of these cable units are kinda long. i can "adjust" or build a shorter coax as needed. but the data cable is the problem. are there any data plugs (with luck) that have a right, left, up/down angle to them? and lengths of the cable to make a shorter cable?                           --as i type this unknown as to what "angle" would work best.--

my interest is just in cleaning things up by not having loops of wire. 


or is there a reason these cables must be so long?

for those who do not know, both the ft-897 and fc-30 are bolted together so no movement and they are as one.

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