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Atlas 215X Transceiver


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I checked into the Cherry Tree Net this morning on 75m with my Atlas 215X transceiver, a mid 1970s solid state transceiver.  The 215X has an excellent receiver.  I currently use a Shure 444D mic with this rig and I also use the transceiver on CW.


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OMG!!! What a beauty. Alan told me that you had come on The Cherry Tree Net with it. Sorry I missed it. He said that your signal was excellent except for some initial drift. Remember how magical solid-state was when it first came out?

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  • Administrator

Hi Brad.  Thanks for checking out HamCommunity and for Joining.  Seeing your image of the Atlas 215x brings back memories.  I can remember seeing the first ads back in the day about this transceiver.  I think it was one of the first solid state radios and maybe the first "small" transceiver of the day.  About a year ago, during my first foray onto 160m, one of the fellows was trying to get his son (who had just been given an Atlas 215x from and old-timer) on the band and we could hear but not understand him.  It definitely sounded like he was on the wrong sideband but they couldn't figure out how to correct it.  From my early days of pouring over the ads for this radio, I remembered there was a somewhat obscure switch to change sidebands, I looked for an image of the radio and as soon as I saw it I could see that small slide switch in the bottom left corner of the front panel that controlled the sideband except it wasn't labeled as we expect today with "USB-LSB" it was more like "Normal-SB" or "OFF".  I joined the conversation and pointed out that switch and sure enough, he changed positions and that fixed the problem.  Look forward to saying hello in person tomorrow at Berryville Hamfest.  Also, did you know you can recreate your profile with photos here in HamCommunity?  In fact, you can simply copy and paste what you've already created in QRZ to your profile here.  You can compare my two profiles to see (the one here and there, I pretty much just copied it into my profile here).  Again, thanks for joining us here and let me encourage you to keep posting here.

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