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My Observations, Questions, Suggestions



I decided to take the leap, finish the census after today's QSO Today Expo presentation (and so I could start diving into the data). Here's a few things I noticed: 


  1. id1068: question says restricted to two but form doesn’t restrict

  2. id81: JT-65 on there twice

  3. id130: contest data source? IARU HF and IARU HF Champ are the same thing. Contains VHF contests that belong in ID139. 

  4. id143: wording/intent unclear. 

  5. id150: where’s the “YES” button

  6. Camaraderie > qsl cards is lacking LoTW, other options? 

  7. id164: i wonder if we can add nuance - i don’t ever initially talk about ham radio (except in specific situations like when I’m operating a ham radio) but i’m very open to leaning a conversation towards that direction if it feels “right” 

  8. id272 & id273 - there’s a lot more brands out there. Is this ONLY ham radio, what about shortwave receivers or scanners, cb, frs, etc. 

    1. Oh this is asked in id405. Need to probably add a note or clarification

  9. id278 - end fed, end-fed half wave (double entry),

  10. id401 - palstar on there twice. What’s the justification/source for source data? Like where’s icom/yaesu/kenwood (oh says updated with respondent recommendations)

  11. id321 - what about just “none, would like to, haven’t gotten around to it” or “too busy”

  12. id414 doesn’t need to be a drop down, radio button instead

  13. id1038: cannot fill this out...forgot to finish my profile. Actually can't put it in because I messed up which email I used and the password reset email is slow to send. 

  14. id634: “have read all” vs “consider myself knowledgeable” ?? I have read all, and I consider myself knowledgeable, so where do I fit? 

  15. id766, id767: needs to be multiple choice. I’ve done both structured and informal mentoring

  16. id771: self taught cw vs “self taught cw with blah” - more options or new question? 

  17. id774 - should be all that apply, not limited to 3. 

  18. id792: hahahahahahaha i watch all of the ham radio videos

  19. id798: i think there are larger hamfests missing here

  20. id803: i think this implies “i attend club meetings annually” but actually i attend them regularly. other questions are okay, but this question might need expansion. 

  21. id990: i have issue with “radio should be taught in schools to attract more youth” specifically “to attract more youth.” it should be taught to teach STEM with real-world applications.

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6 hours ago, N0SSC said:

I decided to take the leap, finish the census after today's QSO Today Expo presentation (and so I could start diving into the data). Here's a few things I noticed: 


  1. id1068: question says restricted to two but form doesn’t restrict

  2. id81: JT-65 on there twice

  3. id130: contest data source? IARU HF and IARU HF Champ are the same thing. Contains VHF contests that belong in ID139. 

  4. id143: wording/intent unclear. 

  5. id150: where’s the “YES” button

  6. Camaraderie > qsl cards is lacking LoTW, other options? 

  7. id164: i wonder if we can add nuance - i don’t ever initially talk about ham radio (except in specific situations like when I’m operating a ham radio) but i’m very open to leaning a conversation towards that direction if it feels “right” 

  8. id272 & id273 - there’s a lot more brands out there. Is this ONLY ham radio, what about shortwave receivers or scanners, cb, frs, etc. 

    1. Oh this is asked in id405. Need to probably add a note or clarification

  9. id278 - end fed, end-fed half wave (double entry),

  10. id401 - palstar on there twice. What’s the justification/source for source data? Like where’s icom/yaesu/kenwood (oh says updated with respondent recommendations)

  11. id321 - what about just “none, would like to, haven’t gotten around to it” or “too busy”

  12. id414 doesn’t need to be a drop down, radio button instead

  13. id1038: cannot fill this out...forgot to finish my profile. Actually can't put it in because I messed up which email I used and the password reset email is slow to send. 

  14. id634: “have read all” vs “consider myself knowledgeable” ?? I have read all, and I consider myself knowledgeable, so where do I fit? 

  15. id766, id767: needs to be multiple choice. I’ve done both structured and informal mentoring

  16. id771: self taught cw vs “self taught cw with blah” - more options or new question? 

  17. id774 - should be all that apply, not limited to 3. 

  18. id792: hahahahahahaha i watch all of the ham radio videos

  19. id798: i think there are larger hamfests missing here

  20. id803: i think this implies “i attend club meetings annually” but actually i attend them regularly. other questions are okay, but this question might need expansion. 

  21. id990: i have issue with “radio should be taught in schools to attract more youth” specifically “to attract more youth.” it should be taught to teach STEM with real-world applications.

  1. Fixed. Thanks.
  2. Fixed Thanks.
  3. IARU HF fixed. Which are VHF contests? Thanks.
  4. Stet for now
  5. 'Yes' is the first answer: 'I go on distant radio expeditions'
  6. One of our team had argued against LoTW being a QSL bureau inasmuch as it was more of a 'logbook that confirms' as opposed to a traditional QSL. I quote from ARRL: "Checking and verifying QSOs is the main purpose of LoTW. As with QSL cards, the aim is to provide trustworthy evidence confirming or proving that logged QSOs really did take place as claimed between duly licensed amateurs." Even they compare themselves with QSL cards without actually saying they are one. So for now, I'll leave as is. Thanks.
  7. I reread your comment several times and was about to add an option but decided against it. My reasoning is that if you're in a conversation, you're a ham, and someone else talks about amateur radio, I'm going to assume that all of us will jump in. This question was more about initiation of conversation rather than willingness to partake.
  8. I realize there are many more brands, maybe too many. This was the set that the team finally managed to agree on. But you're right, this is only ham radio and not other telecom aspects which are, as you note, in ID405. Let me think about how I can make this clearer.
  9. By end-fed I mean a long wire of any length whereas a half-wave is a specific type.
  10. Fixed. Thanks.
  11. Excellent suggestion. Added: "None yet, but plan to"
  12. This is a 'long survey' technique to break up people's boredom. It forces you to think slightly differently.
  13. Sorry, not sure what you mean by this one.
  14. Good point. It's a wording issue. Probably my bad. The final choice: "consider myself knowledgeable" assumes that you have read it all and are a grand master at national regulations. I won't change it for now, but noted. Thanks.
  15. Agreed on both counts and changed.
  16. This one I'll just leave as is.
  17. One of our team members really wanted this to be about principal choices which is why we went with three choices only.
  18. One word: Junkie 😝 - btw, me same.
  19. I agree but decided to limit it to what the team thought were the truly big ones. If someone can give me a list of the truly truly 20 largest, I would make that into a separate question. Also, I would need to get Japan, Thailand, EU, and others in there as well. This I realize is necessary.
  20. I should probably add a 'regularly' question, but this was really to see if you attend at least one a year. Maybe I'll add. TBD.
  21. I left the choices that were there, but I added: "Radio should be taught in schools to encourage STEM". Hope that works.


WOW Sterling. Thank you for your diligence. I truly appreciate it. And, hopefully, as you can see, though I don't take 100% of advice given, I take most of it and do so with great appreciation. So again, thank you. I hope that you'll spread the word.

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A couple of suggestions.

  1. Cut the results page into pieces by sections.  should take less time to load each piece.
  2. I suspect you are calculating the results each time the results page is called.  Is it possible to run the results calculation every day and build the new result page(s) thus cutting down the wait time?
  3. put the number of responses occasionally in the results page to help give context to the graphs especially on a revisit.

This is insightful.  Thank you for doing the survey.

73 Ron

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On 9/24/2021 at 3:32 PM, VE6RWP said:

A couple of suggestions.

  1. Cut the results page into pieces by sections.  should take less time to load each piece.
  2. I suspect you are calculating the results each time the results page is called.  Is it possible to run the results calculation every day and build the new result page(s) thus cutting down the wait time?
  3. put the number of responses occasionally in the results page to help give context to the graphs especially on a revisit.

This is insightful.  Thank you for doing the survey.

73 Ron

Thanks Ron, excellent suggestions.

We tried 1 & 2 but had people complaining that they would rather wait the ten or so seconds and then just see them all at once. Not really sure which is best but technically, this approach is easier so I think I'll leave it stet. But worthy suggestions; thanks.

Regarding 3, that's a good thought. I'll see how I can work it in at the end of the year when I redo the results page (redoing because I'll be including an annual summary).

Thanks so so much for taking it. Really appreciate it.


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