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First post by W3ESX


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Hey Ham Community, this is an automated post on behalf of our new member: W3ESX,

On behalf of Ham Community, let's give W3ESX a warm welcome.

W3ESX, we encourage you to browse around and get to know the Community's many sections. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask, as with all things HAM, we all love to give advice 😎

For everyone's information, W3ESX joined on the 07/26/2021; this is their profile: View Member.

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That's funny, I didn't know it would post automatically for me! 😄

I'm glad to be here. My pal, AC3EO from the local radio club, told me about this website and I rushed to join because it looks very cool.

I currently operate with a Yaesu FT-7900 on 2m/70cm and a Yaesu FT-70D on C4FM. I also have a Yaesu FT-60 for mobility on VHF/UHF.

I have an Arrow Antennas 140/440 Open-Stub J-Pole (OSJ) antenna mounted in my attic, that I've been having some performance problems with. I will probably post about that in another thread.

I am looking into obtaining a Chameleon EMCOMM III end-fed wire antenna so that I can get on the HF bands, and I'm saving up for a Yaesu FT-991A as my "dream rig" all-mode all-bands transceiver.

I enjoy participating in emcomm, event support, and contesting, as well as ragchewing on the local repeaters and on Americalink and other System Fusion rooms.

73s for now,


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Hi Jamison. Yeah, the post surprises, but it's our way of engaging you. Speaking of engagement, don't be surprised if the community is a little calm. We are slowly growing our membership but the engagement is not quite there yet. This said, being the obstinate hams that we are, we have a couple of tricks up our sleeve to hopefully, someday soon, this place will be hopping. That said, those of us who do hang around here try to be as engaging and friendly as possible. Again, my warmest welcome.

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