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Slow Speed CW Round Table - Renamed


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I will hereafter be referring to the SS CW Round Table as the AA4ZS Memorial Slow Speed Round Table. 

After I moved to Virginia, Frank was one of the first people I spoke to on the 146.655 repeater. In those days he held court during morning and evening drive times and it was almost a big party with anywhere between four and nine participants (in addition to Frank). When his health started failing, he could no longer keep up the morning session, but was always there for the evening session. He was also very active in the club and was a Volunteer Examiner and was always at the club breakfast (even on occasions when no one else was)

He was the host for the Slow Speed Roundtable until his passing on 8 Sept 2018, within a few minutes after closing the CW round table that morning. Apparently, he did have time to set up for the 0830 SSB round table but passed before it began.

He is greatly missed.

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