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First post by WA4OTJ

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Hey Ham Community, this is an automated post on behalf of our new member: WA4OTJ,

On behalf of Ham Community, let's give WA4OTJ a warm welcome.

WA4OTJ, we encourage you to browse around and get to know the Community's many sections. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask, as with all things HAM, we all love to give advice 😎

For everyone's information, WA4OTJ joined on the 05/07/2021; this is their profile: View Member.

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Let me introduce myself,

My name is Nathan Gregory, and I was first licensed in Kentucky in 1964. I moved from Ky, to Texas, then to California, and now back to Texas, where I currently reside. I am considering returning to Ky, but have not yet committed to doing so. I like the Texas Hill Country and friends are encouraging me to stay here, so, who knows.

I spent several years repairing televisions and other electronics before accepting a job in Data Networking (Pre-Internet days) and moving to TX. From there I moved to CA, became involved in the early commercial Internet, founding two companies along the way. Then I became an author, with two books on computers and networking, and three Fantasy/Science Fiction, all on Amazon, as well as my personal author's website NathanGregoryAuthor.com.

In 2015, I joined another networking alumni to found a new company with a data privacy focus. Once I retire from this venture, I intend to return to Ham radio, and my writing, as I have several more books to write yet. For the moment, my current venture keeps me extremely busy, leaving little time for Ham radio or other hobbies, though I did recently buy  a new Radioddity hand-held to play around with. I would love to hear others' experiences with the Radioddity radios. I am finding very little VHF/UHF activity around here, so...




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  • Administrator

Hi Nathan. Funny, I'll be in KY next week on my way to see my daughter in Ohio. Going to stop by and visit a friend. Regarding authorship; something we share. Don't forget to do some self-promotion here: https://hamcommunity.com/forum/182-self-promotion/. You'll find my book there too - one of them 😎

Hope you're back into HF soon though, admittedly, VHF/UHF can be lots of fun too.

Post your books!! And welcome!!


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  • Administrator

Hi Nathan. Are you kidding? This is great stuff. And that’s why I created that self-promo section not to mention that you basically already wrote everything out. With your permission, I’ll just transfer your reply to that section and make a new post with it. BTW, I love ‘series.’ My TUK50 Protocol sequel is in the works. Chromosome here I come.

Check out Nathan's books here: 


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