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First post by N7SX


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Hey Ham Community, this is an automated post on behalf of our new member: N7SX,

On behalf of Ham Community, let's give N7SX a warm welcome.

N7SX, we encourage you to browse around and get to know the Community's many sections. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask, as with all things HAM, we all love to give advice 😎

For everyone's information, N7SX joined on the 03/22/2021; this is their profile: View Member.

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CQ de NS7X 
 Tnx to JIM K3MRI for admitting me to this group.

My QTH is Albuquerque, NM - the place of my birth. 
First licensed in 1978, I was living in Iowa so my original call was a Zero-land call.  Back in those days, you got to learn CW in order to get licensed.  Being as how my first rig was a Tentec Argonaut QRP rig, I learned to love CW.  Those were the days!  In spite of the fact there are no mountains or chile in Iowa, it was a great place to live.  The people are super nice, and the lush green rolling hills are pacifying and calming.  Unless you're standing upwind of a hog farm.

My Seven-land call comes from the year I spent in Wyoming.  A beautiful state, great people, and MOUNTAINS!  And the hams were very cool.  It was a pleasure to get to know them.

Eventually, I made it back home to the Land of Enchantment.  I'm back in mountain country AND I get to eat all the red chile I can handle.  I'm still a CW operator, and still operate a Tentec only now it's a Tentec Eagle.  I love to volunteer to work our International Balloon Fiesta where I set up my Begali paddles and a keyer and demonstrate to the throngs just how much fun CW is.

Looking forward to being a part of Ham Community.

73 all,

de NS7X 

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