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First post by KN4GOV


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Hey Ham Community, this is an automated post on behalf of our new member: KN4GOV,

On behalf of Ham Community, let's give KN4GOV a warm welcome.

KN4GOV, we encourage you to browse around and get to know the Community's many sections. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask, as with all things HAM, we all love to give advice 😎

For everyone's information, KN4GOV joined on the 03/17/2021; this is their profile: View Member.

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It's a bit strange seeing a post I didn't write attributed to me, but I certainly appreciate the introduction.

A friend told me about the Ham Census, and just completed it.  I look forward to checking out the results.

   73,   Steve / KN4GOV

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Hi Steve. Sorry about that... In the early days of the forum we used to publish the notice with HC/Staff as the author. The problem was that if there were any responses, the 'user' would not be notified, so we started doing it this way. I'm actually, believe it or not, uneasy doing it this way, but I have found no better solution. I think that if someone truly objects some day, I may reconsider. For now, it's a workaround. In all cases, THANK YOU SO MUCH for filling out Ham Census in its very early days of existence. We're hoping it'll grow into a very rich data set that can help all of us to better understand where operators would like the hobby to go. Please spread the good word to your friends and, again, thank you.


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  • 1 month later...

No problem, Jim.

We all have to work with the systems we have available to us, and the message clearly states it was auto-generated on my behalf.  If it had been worded to seem as though I had written it, I almost certainly would have reacted differently.

If you get more questions about these auto-posts than you you feel like answering,
It might help to include a heads-up note about them near the end of the sign-up process. 

I've posted links to the census in several replies on Reddit where it wascsppropriate, and forwarded it to 2 radio clubs, and our ARES DEC.  Hopefully that will lead to  at least a few more completed surveys.

Edited by KN4GOV
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You rock Steve and thank you for your service! And thanks for the suggestion for the message. I’m getting old, but I really thought I had written it in somewhere… I’ll definitely be adding something. Thanks for the heads up!!

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