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They don’t happen often or everywhere, but they do happen sometimes and somewhere. 

In some cases they are predictable, and in others they are unthinkable. Tornadoes touch down, hurricanes make landfall, floodwaters rise, fires burn, utilities are interrupted, terrorists strike. 

But with planning and preparation, you can make a difference. You can reduce a disaster’s impacts on you, your family, and your community. You can save lives, homes, and livelihoods. 

The Fairfax County Office of Emergency Management is a resource for the community. Our mission is to make us all more ready for and resilient to all hazards. In a crisis, the government must focus on those in the greatest peril. The better prepared everyone else is, the better the outcomes are for all of us. 

By reading this far, you’ve already taken the first step in preparing for the unexpected. Now it’s time to make a plan, build a kit, and help prepare your household and your community.

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