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  • Our Web Links Directory is member-initiated and member-driven. We encourage you to list websites that you feel could be of use to the Community. Note that every new link submission will be moderated by a Ham Community moderator. Once you post it, we will check it, approve it, then list it in the appropriate section, and throughout the Community; your link will help all other members.

    So remember, if you don't see a link you think is important, add it!


These are links to those who have made Ham Community possible by supporting us throughout.


  1. Site sponsors

    Thank you for what you have done over the life of Ham Community.


Ham Mega Pad (XXXL)

Ham Word Cloud Pad (XL)

Ham Codes, Signs, Words (Medium)

Ham Band Edges mousepad (Small)

Ham Alliance

Ham Alliance - Billboard - 970*250px

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