K4HTA Installation at MITRE - Aug. 2022
- Album created by KK4DAS
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Field Day 2022
We were back at Burke Lake Park operating 3A + GOTA. These photos were provided by Deapesh Misra, Lou Ward, Suki Nyein and Mike Magnotti.
- Album created by AK4AO
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- 130 images
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Winterfest 2022
Pictures captured by Lou Ward during Winterfest 2022
- Album created by WA8AHZ
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Auction 2021
With Winterfest cancelled in 2020 and 2021, the club had accumulated over 400 items of ham gear through donations and consignment. In order to liquidate this inventory, we conducted an online auction in June of 2021. On July 10 a fulfillment team met at the club's storage facility to retrieve and deliver approximately 300 items purchased at auction.
- Album created by AK4AO
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FD 2021 -- WA3RGH QTH
Pics from WA3RGH's QTH for Field Day 2021
- Album created by WA8AHZ
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Maker Committee QRP Transceiver Project Apr 2021
Provided by KK4DAS
- Album created by WA8AHZ
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Antenna Team 10 Jan 2020
The VWS antenna team tackled its first project of 2020 which involved raising a new 80m fan dipole, refurbishing the existing antenna, installing a grounding system, a window cable pass-thru and wiring in the shack. Work was done for Tim, W4CLK. The antenna team for this project was led by Mike (WA8AHZ) and included: John (K1NME), Leon (NT8B), Mike (KN4VKN), Dave ( KN4MHP) and Joe (KN4JVV) and Don (KM4UDX). A highly successful installation!
- Album created by KD4MM
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- 19 images
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Thank you Officers
At our 10 January 2020 meeting said thank you to three outstanding club officers who are stepping down this year: Terry Lowe as Treasurer, Howard Benton as Vice President, and Bill Mims as President. You can see their Certificates of Appreciation here. Please give them a Like, add a comment, or add your own photo of their adventures.
- Album created by AK4AO
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Thank you Pete!
At the 10 January 2020 meeting we celebrated Pete Hadley's service to the club for over a decade as Chairman of the Board of Directors, President, Vice President, and the man who does so many things beyond those job descriptions. His award included a digital picture frame with the photos initially uploaded to this album.
Please help celebrate Pete's service by adding your own pictures from work with Pete. When we get a bunch, we'll download them to his frame. You can also add a note for Pete by commenting.
- Album created by AK4AO
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Project Showcase
Are you working on a ham radio project? Post a photo here!
- Album created by AK4AO
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- 10 images
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Balloon Tracking 2004
Since we have money in the budget for a balloon tracing event in 2020, I've posted some pictures from the 2004 event. I saw also that there are more photos on Linda Thomas' Flickr site at
See also this video from 2006:
- Album created by AK4AO
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- 33 images
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Trophy Case
Did you receive an award, certificate, or special QSL card? Show it to us!
- Album created by AK4AO
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Volunteers' Picnic September, 2019
At this annual gathering we celebrate the efforts of the many volunteers that make our club great, enjoy a picnic lunch, and take a look at the portable rigs operated by members
- Album created by AK4AO
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Mobile Rigs Show, September, 2019
At our meeting of 13 September, 2019, we invited members with mobile rigs installed in their vehicles to shown them off.
- Album created by AK4AO
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- 37 images
VWS 55th Anniversary Party
VWS celebrated the 55th anniversary of the founding of our club in 2018 with a banquet at P. J. Skidoos restaurant. We were especially pleased that Ray Johnson, K5RJ, the first president of VWS was able to be with us.
- Album created by AK4AO
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Special Event 2018 - 55th Anniversary of VWS
For our 55th anniversary celebration we operated from a variety of locations using the special event call sign W4V.
- Album created by AK4AO
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NAQP SSB was hosted by Doug, AK4AO, with two operating positions, as allowed by the NAQP rules.
- Album created by AK4AO
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NAQP CW 2019
Pete, K6BFA, hosted NAQP CW with K4HTA operating from his shack and K4XY remoting in to the rig at the residence of Doug, AK4AO. Under NAQP rules we had to use different call signs for transmitters not part of the same station.
- Album created by AK4AO
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NAQP RTTY was hosted by Pete, K6BFA. We had planned two stations, with K4HTA local and K4XY remote into Doug's station. We never got Pete's rig working on RTTY, so we operated only the remote.,
- Album created by AK4AO
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- 4 images
- 4 images
10 newly posted or edited posts
Christmas on the Rhine Boat Trip Started
Last Minute Items Started
Volunteer Update Emails Started
Flashlights left at MCM Check-In Started
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