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Sep 11th & 12th Events



NOTE:  These are new logon credentials as of 9/1/2020.  This new Zoom Logon is needed attend the Club’s Regular Membership Meetings:    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83906871573?pwd=V3l1UkZmSGZObGI5YkhLbGFYRzRUZz09   If needed, the meeting ID and passcode are: 839 0687 1573 and 592282

 Friday, 11 Sept 2020

 Forum – “Introduction to Computer Software to aid Ham Radio Operations”: Dean Souleles, KK4DAS.  Time 7:00-7:30 pm 

 Main Presentation –  “A Beginner’s Guide to Digital Mobile Radio”: Ben Mills, N4CV  Time:  ~ 7:30-9:00 pm

 Saturday, 12 Sep 2020

 In Person Volunteers’ Picnic: The Board of Directors will host a socially-distanced in-person Picnic at Glyndon Park on September 12 from 11AM-2PM.  We will be located in the lower pavilion near the baseball diamond and Glyndon St.  We will not be serving food from shared serving dishes as we have in the past, so please bring whatever you would like to eat or drink during the event.  We will fire up the charcoal grill to cook meats you bring to the picnic.  We'll cook what you bring and will serve directly from the hot grill.  We ask that you plan to wear face masks except when eating.




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