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September 19, 2020 Picnic



Our September monthly meeting, on Saturday, Sep 19th starting at 1130, will again be via Zoom, and the link to join is:


We are co-hosting the meeting w/ the Vienna Wireless Society, so we should have a great crowd.  We cancelled the formal program, by Professor Marconi himself who was planning to present 87 fuzzy black and white vu graphs describing, using differential equations (and quantum theory), how the ionosphere works (whoa).  Instead, I understand the VWSers are going to show off their Shacks during lunch, in kinda a “SHACK CRAWL”.  If we run out of shacks to crawl through, I’d like to open the topic of “what it means to be a ham radio operator in the 21st century!”  It might be interesting to hear the thoughts of the multi-generational group.

As a virtual picnic, it’s “Bring your own Burger or Brat” day. Of course you can fix your own, order via Doordash from Micky-D, or for that matter contract the talented QCWA Ch 91 cooks to cater your lunch.

Looking forward to our meetings for the rest of the year: please mark your calendars for October 17th, where Lee will discuss Software Defined Radios, and November 21st, where Tim Tatum, K6SLK will describe his journey to establish a vibrant ham radio club at the Heritage Hunt 55+ community.  We also need to have elections of new officers in November.  If anybody wishes to volunteer for a club position, drop me an email.  Our December meeting is usually your holiday party … more to follow on our December mtg.


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