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General Membership Meeting, 28 Aug 2020



We’ll use the VWS General Meeting Zoom URL for these meetings.  Zoom URL is:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/876619925?pwd=MkcrMU85Sm5PT3g5SzNOU214ZDdmQT09   If needed, the Meeting ID is: 876 619 925 and password:  3eE0ibYYJG

 Forum –" CalTopo"   Forum – “CalTopoJoin Mike, KA4CDN as he discusses the interactive web- based mapping application CalTopo. While not HAM radio specific, it has many features that can be useful in HAM related activities; from planning events and excursions to analyzing collected data. Join us as we get an introduction to CalTopo, some of these features and explore example uses.  Time 7:00-7:30 pm

  Main Presentation – “DC Power, Distribution, Batteries and Solar" Experts from West Mountain Radio, Waukesha, WI identify the special considerations involved with low voltage high current DC power as is used in Amateur Radio.  Cable loss as well as connector suitability are discussed.  An overview of the state of battery technology will be presented with a good comparison of the technologies as it applies to Amateur Radio.  Battery configurations, safety and the use of solar power are all included in this session.   Time:  7:30-9:00 pm





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