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General Membership Meeting, Jul 10, 2020



We’ll use the VWS General Meeting Zoom URL for these meetings.  Zoom URL is:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/876619925?pwd=MkcrMU85Sm5PT3g5SzNOU214ZDdmQT09   If needed, the Meeting ID is: 876 619 925 and password:  3eE0ibYYJG

Forum -- “HAM RADIO MOBILE INSTALLATION by K0LKD" This presentation is based on my own experience and info from several websites. This mobile installation includes both VHF/UHF and HF equipment with the capability to cover frequencies from 80M to 70CM    Time:  7:00-7:30 pm

 Main Presentation –An Insider’s Overview of the Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) and the Dayton Hamvention”: Michael, W8CI has been actively engaged for many years in running the Dayton Hamvention, one of the world’s largest and most exciting ham radio conventions.  He has served as Hamvention Chairman, and is currently co-chair of the Hamvention Awards Committee, and he  will discuss Hamvention history, how it works with 750 volunteers and what’s next.  Michael promises lots of behind the scenes stories that will surprise us all.  Time:  7:30-9:00 pm


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