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Field Day 2020



Field Day 2020 is June 27-28, and this year we are going to practice social distancing and NOT gaggle to Burke Lake Park.  Instead, the Club is going to promote a “distributed” FD event.  Participate from your QTH, either by yourself, or if you feel so inclined:  invite a new ham who’s without radio to work with you. 

 There will be no formal Club meeting on Friday, June 26th; rather, we’ll open the Zoom conference line for informal discussion, comradeship and to answer questions you might have as you prepare for FD.  We’ll start the session at 7pm EDST as usual.

In order for VWS to benefit, as a Club, from your individual effort when you upload your log to ARRL, please identify your Club affiliation as "Vienna Wireless Society"  The exact spelling is important!

 Also, the Club will host two training sessions on how to use the N1MM logging program on Saturday, June 20th (SSB and CW setup) and Sunday, June 21st (Digital setup).  Both meetings will start at 2pm EDST. 

We’ll use the regular VWS General Meeting Zoom URL for all three of these meetings.  Zoom URL https://us02web.zoom.us/j/876619925?pwd=MkcrMU85Sm5PT3g5SzNOU214ZDdmQT09   If needed, the Meeting ID is: 876 619 925 and password:  3eE0ibYYJG



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