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General Membership Meeting, May 8,, 2020



Forum -- “Baluns: What are they, and how they Work”  Bill, NQ6Z will discuss baluns (a portmanteau of “balanced to unbalanced”).  There are many products sold today and discussed on the internet with the label balun that are not.  We will go into the definition of a balun and the different types available.   Along that journey we will discusses how they work and what they accomplish.  Not all baluns have the same performance so those issues will also be discussed.  Time:  7:00-7:30 pm, Venue:  Zoom Link:  https://zoom.us/j/876619925?pwd=MkcrMU85Sm5PT3g5SzNOU214ZDdmQT09


Main Presentation -- “Antenna Basics”  In the best traditions of Reefer Madness and Through the Looking Glass, Roy, W7EL, our guest presenter from the Seattle, Washington area, will blow away some of the most pervasive smoke and mirrors obscuring how antennas really work.  While performing three feats of seemingly impossible antenna design, he'll reveal the science involved as well as how it's often cloaked in the mist. Time:  7:30 – 9:00 pm, Venue:  Zoom Link:  https://zoom.us/j/876619925?pwd=MkcrMU85Sm5PT3g5SzNOU214ZDdmQT09


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