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General Membership Meeting, Apr 10, , 2020



Forum -- 2-meter Slow-Scan TV System for a High-Altitude Balloon Flight:  Roger KM4LHZ will discuss and demonstrate a breadboard of a 2-meter slow-scan TV (SSTV) system (aka narrow-band TV) for a high-altitude balloon (HAB) flight.  Pictures are taken at fixed time intervals by a fish-eye Raspberry Pi (RP) camera and RP board, and saved to an SD card on the RP board.  A subset of these images are: (1) decimated in size to thumbnail images, (2) inscribed with a call sign, (3) converted to SSTV sound files, and (4) transmitted as narrow-band audio tracks via 2 meter FM.  Both necessary and recommended steps for completing a flight-suitable HAB payload package will be summarized. Time:   7:00-7:30pm Venue: Zoom meeting, click: https://zoom.us/j/876619925?pwd=MkcrMU85Sm5PT3g5SzNOU214ZDdmQT09    (Note this link includes new security features)



Main Presentation -- Why this Thing is not Working: Rick, N1RM will present an overview of how to be sure you know how to set up your HT when you need it.  In this reprise, Rick covers the basics of what can go wrong when you try to configure your radio to work through a repeater.  This presentation is aimed at all experience levels in the ham community.  Time: 7:45--9:00pm Venue: Zoom meeting, click: https://zoom.us/j/876619925?pwd=MkcrMU85Sm5PT3g5SzNOU214ZDdmQT09    (Note this link includes new security features)


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