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General Membership Meeting, Mar 13, 2020



3/13/2020, 16:40 from Doug, AK4AO


We are go for an online meeting tonight . 13 March, via Zoom.  Zoom runs on Windows, IOS, and Android devices.  Clicking the link below will initiate the process of installing Zoom and getting into the meeting.  Please mute your microphone by clicking on the icon on the lower left of the screen during the meeting.  If you have a question for the presenter, use the Chat icon.
At 7:00 p.m. Mike Dannhardt will give his presentation on an effective 160/80M antenna.  We will then take a brief break to switch presenters and then at about 7:40 John Acton will give his presentation on Journey through Antarctica.  In order to overcome some technical problems, John will present from my house, so you will see my name on the Zoom screen.
Here is the meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/876619925
Forum: “Building an Effective a 160/80 meter Antenna”  Join Mike, KA4CDN as he provides an overview his 160/80 meter “Inverted-L”, low band wire antenna that is easy to build and suitable for installation on a relativity small lot.  He will provide an overview of the modeling, installation, performance measurements and QSO results he’s achieved with this interesting antenna design. Time:  7:00-7:30 pm, Venue: Thoreau Middle School, 2505 Cedar Ln, Vienna.  Note enter through Door 12 off the main parking lot.  Live Stream Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ_YYqWfW7I

Main Presentation: “Antarctic Circle Expedition: Journey through Antarctica  John, N1NME will describe his adventures during a 12 day trip to Antarctica aboard an expedition ship, including 4 days inside the Antarctic Circle.  John made 17 landings by Zodiac to experience the penguin colonies, elephant seals, breaching whales, and other wondrous sights.   He will present pictures and videos and discuss the ham radio contacts he attempted using the ship’s radios and the ancient radios found at old research stations. Time:  7:30-9:00  pm. Venue: Thoreau Middle School, 2505 Cedar Ln, Vienna.  Note enter through Door 12 off the main parking lot.  Live Stream Link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbTQeuLD25k

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  • Administrator

I don't think I can make it but would love to hear the Antarctica presentation. Will try to come!!

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  • Administrator

Thank you Mike. If I can't make it, though I will still try to come, I will definitely listen to the presentation sometime this weekend.

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  • Administrator

Congratulations on the zoom setup. I was in another meeting so I could neither stay long, nor participate actively, but it seemed to really work well.

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  • Club Leadership

Yes from my advantage as a participant it was a great medium.  The snacks were a little lean, however … but then it is Lent.

I know of a  few members who  had technical difficulties that need to be sorted out, and I suspect those who attempted to connect with a slow wireless connection had some buffering issues.  While some folks were "in and out" of the meeting, the total attendance, including visitors was 56 folks -- a very good attendance rate.



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