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General Membership Meeting, Feb 28, 2020 and NAQP-RTTY Feb 29, 2020



Friday night events -- 28 Feb 2020

Forum:  “JS8Call: Weak Signal Chat and Networking”  Ok, you've been working FT8 for a month or two, and now you don't have any more room on your shack walls after hanging all those newly obtained DXCC certificates. So, what's next? JS8 is a new digital chat and network mode based on FT8 modulation. JS8 allows for a more free-form, conversational style QSO than FT8, but with all that FT8 weak signal handling goodness that gets your signals heard during the solar minimum. Al Gordon, K7AJG will provide an introduction to JS8 (the mode), JS8Call (the software) and some of its features which go beyond basic chat, such as heartbeats and ACKs; sending and soliciting automated responses such as signal/noise reports; remote station info and configuration; whether they are configured to relay messages; which other stations can they relay to, passing traffic from JS8 to other systems such as APRS, and more.  Time:  7:00-7:30 pm, Venue: Thoreau Middle School, 2505 Cedar Ln, Vienna.  Note enter through Door 12 off the main parking lot.  Live Stream Link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1J3JU-bVz3M

Main Presentation:  “WSPRnet and why you care?”  Join Don, KM4UDX and take Reverse Beacons to the next level. Exploit 1,000s of automated spotters. Find your signal everywhere on  the globe. Enjoy automated charts and graphs of your propagation.  Are you really getting out?  Let's find out, together. Time:  7:30-9:00  pm. Venue: Thoreau Middle School, 2505 Cedar Ln, Vienna.  Note enter through Door 12 off the main parking lot.  Live Stream Link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpQLQV6aiUg

The Saturday, 29 Feb

The winter edition of the NAQP RTTY12 hour  contest is always held on the last Saturday in February, which is February 29th this year. Venue:  AK4AO's QTH, Start time:  1PM.   








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