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General Membership Meeting, Feb 14, 2020



Forum,  “The Ham Radio Sandbox” Amateur radio has lots of facets and, to a new or returning ham, the plethora of opportunities can almost be overwhelming. Join your fellow club members at the Forum discussion where we’ll attempt to describe the various ways ham radio operators enjoy their hobby. We’ll talk about EmComm, ragchewing, contesting, and DXing…and more. There is a great deal of “sand” (things we can do with the radio) that contributes to the hobby (the “box”).  Time:  7:00 – 7:30 pm Venue:  Thoreau Middle School, 2505 Cedar Ln, Vienna, please enter through Door 12.  Live Stream  here


Main Presentation,  “Setting up a Ham Shack” A team of VWS members led by Howard, K0LKD will share their experiences in setting up their radio shacks. The panel will talk about what has worked well with them and where they’ve had problems to overcome. They’ll discuss location, antennas, cable entry from the outside, powering the station, grounding, and much more. It will be a great opportunity for VWS members to share their experiences and ask questions that will help solve some of your shack-related challenges. Time:  7:30 – 9:00  pm Venue:  Thoreau Middle School, 2505 Cedar Ln, Vienna, please enter through Door 12.  Live Stream here


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