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General Membership Meeting, Jan 24, 2020



Forum,  “Weak Signal Digital Modes”:  Join Doug, AK4AO, Mike, KN4VKN, and Ron, WA6YOU who will share their tips & tricks for using the Weak Signal digital mode (FT-8) for chasing that rare DX.   Time: 7:00-7:30 pm, Venue:  Thoreau Middle School Cafeteria, enter thru Door 12.  Live Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTSCtTezogM

Regular General Meeting Presentation,  “Update on Winlink”:  Ever wonder how you might send or receive an email when there is no power, no Internet, and no cellular data service?   Welcome back Steve, KW4SHP who will update us on Winlink as it relates to the Amateur Radio operators.  He’ll provide background on the Winlink system architecture, and then delve into the different email clients, radio bands, protocols and ancillary equipment, especially as needed to be functional in a regional emergency communications  operation.  He’ll demonstrate a lightweight, browser-based, platform-independent solution for when you’re off the grid!  Time: 7:30-9:00 pm, Venue:  Thoreau Middle School Cafeteria, enter thru Door 12. Live Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB3KZf4_vy0  


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