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General Membership Meeting, Jan 10, 2020



Venue:  Thoreau Middle School Cafeteria, 2505 Cedar Lane, Vienna, 22180.  Please enter the school via Door 12, near the main parking lot. 

Forum:  "Demonstration of the Nano VNA".   Don, KM4UDX will provide a demonstration of the NanoVNA, a low-cost vector network analyzer now available to hams. VNAs provide vital insights into the operation and performance of RF networks of all types. Don’s presentation will be of interest to any ham who would like to build and maintain antennas, build multi-band antennas, work with tuned circuits, and much more.  Time:  7:00 - 7:30 PM

Main Presentation:   “How to Participate in a Directed Net.” Did Ham Santa bring you a new handy-talkie (HT) radio for the holiday? Bring it to the meeting and let’s get it on the air. For our new and rusty hams—you will be paired with seasoned ELMER hams, and we’ll spread ourselves in small groups throughout the venue and wait for the Net Control to convene the net. You will learn about directed and traffic nets, and how to carry on a conversation with complete strangers. Don’t worry if you don’t have a radio—we’ll have one for you to use during the meeting. For more experienced hams—bring your HT and be prepared to help a new club member discover the ins and outs of nets. We’ll use the VWS 2 meter repeater frequency, 146.685 MHz, negative offset and no PL tone for the net, just like on the VWS Monday night 8:00 pm net.  Time:  7:30-9:00 PM, preceded by a short business meeting.


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