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A very Busy Week!



Are you ready for a busy week playing Ham Radio?   Some of the events coming up  are:

Wednesday, Oct 23rd:  Town of Vienna Halloween Parade. This parade is sponsored by the Vienna Business Association.  For those signed up to help escort the costumed children (and their parents, we assemble at the United Bank Building, 374 Maple Ave, (where Branch Rd SE dead ends at Maple) att 6:30 PM for the 7:00 PM parade start. 

Friday, Oct 25th General Membership Meeting:

Forum:  During the Forum, Doug, AK4AO, will demo the features of our new club space on hamcommunity.com.  Some of the new features include:

  •  ü New ways to access the Blog, where meeting announcements and other general interest items are posted by the club leadership,
  •     ü New photo albums of club events, to which members may contribute without going through a webmaster,
  •  ü A discussion area that allows posts and polls, and
  •  ü A chat room.

To gain access to the new club space, members should first go to hamcommunity.com and register using the red button in the upper right corner.  Then, e-mail webmaster@viennawireless.net with a request to be added to the VWS club space.  There are no charges for registering with ham community, and your e-mail address will not be published or shared.  Live stream here  Venue:  Thoreau Middle School, 2505 Cedar Lane, Vienna. Time:  7:00-7:30 pm

Main Program Presentation:  Modern Radio Direction Finding.  Join Gump, KC5CG as he updates us about the art and science of Radio Direction Finding. He’ll discuss a primer for Direction Finding, to include Direction of Arrival (DOA), Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA), doppler and Correlative Interferometry.  Basic equipment will be demonstrated,  and how to use it.  Gump will also discuss some home-brew designs, and  demonstration  the new (semi-new) KERBEROSSDR platform.  Live stream here   Venue:  Thoreau Middle School, 2505 Cedar Lane, Vienna. Time:  7:30 - 9:00  pm

Sunday, Oct 27th:  Marine Corps Marathon.  For those who have signed up to work the Marathon, be sure you check in before 5:00 am at the Ham Check in site in the Pentagon “C” parking off Army-Navy Drive.  This is the parking lot with the pedestrian tunnel under I-395 to South Parking.  The entrance of this parking lot is directly across from the entrance to the Fashion City Mall parking garage.

Weekend Contest Schedule:

If you still need something to do, why not participate in the ARRL School Club Roundup event that runs 21-25 Oct?.  It’s always fun to hear young people on the air.  Details here




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