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Weekend Activities, 9-10 Jul, 2021



Regular General Meeting, 9 Jul 2021

Join the Club’s Regular General Meeting starting at 7:00 pm, via Zoom Meeting.  The Zoom link is:    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83906871573?pwd=V3l1UkZmSGZObGI5YkhLbGFYRzRUZz09   

Forum – “The Worldwide microchip Shortage  Steve, KO4KGS will discuss the causes, effects, issues and long range outlook of the current microchip shortage.  He will reveal the reasons why we can’t buy an IC-7300, FT-991A’s, or for that matter new cars or home appliances due to the supply chain issues.  Time: 7:00-7:30 pm

Main Program -- “Shut Down and Called Up – Hams in the Great War”  Chris, W2PA, an engineer and Ham Radio Historian will visit us from New York, and share an interesting story of ham radio before, during, and after World War I. Hams were put off the air by the government, even required to dismantle their stations, in an environment of enforcement and suspicion. QST ceases publication. But the need for radio operators was so great that many volunteered as military operators. As the war ended, everyone needed to be re-licensed, and the League needed a jump start. Hams managed to accomplish this while waiting for the long-delayed reopening and fighting threats of restrictive new regulation.  Time: 7:30 -9:00 pm

Special Program Presentation, Saturday, 10 Jul @ 1:00 PM

Join your fellow VWS members in a special presentation by A71AM, from Qatar, to give us a presentation on his experience as a Ham in the Middle East.  He comes highly recommended by folks at the Hamvention.   NOTE THIS IS A NEW TIME

 The Zoom meeting link is: 


 Because of the seven-hour time difference, Saif is scheduled to present on Saturday, 10 July at 1pm our time.  The session is to be recorded for later use. 

Note:  Attendance is limited to the first 500 attendees!


You may also view the presentation live via You Tube, click https://youtu.be/SlFWzys6Jm8


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